4.5.8 Museu da Guarda Nacional Republicana

Largo do Carmo 27

Location HERE.

Closed Sundays.

The GNR are military personnel, and the organisation is rather like the Guardia Civil in Spain. They perform activities such as road policing and patrols, as well as border security. The museum, which charges a small entrance fee, charts its history, and has exhibits like old motorcycles and cars, as well as uniforms, guns and other memorabilia.

Above the entry to the GNR Museum, Captain Salgeiro Maia (right) looks down over the Largo do Carmo

But the most useful aspect of this museum is that it has a timeline of events as they unfolded on 25th April 1974. It was, after all, the building to which then Prime Minister Marcelo Caetano and President Américo Tomas had retreated, and where power was finally relinquished by the Estado Novo.

Metro, tram, rail and bus connections same as Museu Arqueológico do Carmo - it’s more or less next door.


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